Back pain (Part 1) - Myths and Misconceptions - Sutherland Shire Physio


Back Pain:

Myths & Misconceptions


Back pain is one of the most common presentations to physiotherapy and were estimated to effect 1 in 6 Australians in 2014-15.

The Australian Institute of Health and Welfare report that;

In 2008–09, around $1.2 billion of total health-care expenditure in Australia was attributed to back problems. In 2011, ‘back pain and problems’ were the third leading cause of disease burden in Australia, accounting for 3.6% of the total burden across all diseases and injuries.

Below we take a look at some of the common myths and misconceptions about back pain. Let us know what you think!

I have been told that I should rest until my back pain settles…

An acute back pain event can be significantly painful and debilitating and unfortunately some movements can be very painful and uncomfortable. However, gradually returning to movement, normal activities and work as able is shown to be better for recovery and preventing recurrence than bed rest (1-3).

I should not exercise as it will make my pain worse…

Exercise has time and time again proven to be effective medicine for both acute and chronic low back issues (4). The issue arises when people take the wrong dosage. Ie. they do too much causing aggravation and overload, or they do too little so that no adaptations can occur. Multiple forms of exercise have been beneficial for low back pain, even heavy resistance training (1,4-8) Essentially any form of movement is better than none so find what you enjoy and progressively build it up (9).

I need a scan of my back to find out what structure is damaged…

There is an abundance of research that indicates that the results of scans correlate poorly with symptoms in people with low back pain (10-12). It is also interesting to note that most people without low back issues have changes on scans that do not cause any symptoms at all (12-14). What this means is that just because there are changes present on scans does not mean there will be pain. This does not mean that scans are irrelevant but it means they are only required in the presence of certain signs and symptoms that require further investigation and not all presentations of back pain.

Because it is so painful something must be damaged…

The amount of pain experienced does not equal the amount of damage.

I have arthritis so nothing can be done…

Some form of change as we age is normal on scans, it is similar to wrinkles, but on the inside. Studies of individuals with and without back pain have shown that just because changes are present does not mean there will be pain present. Even in severe cases of arthritis positive outcomes can be achieved with appropriate management (12-14).

My back pain is due to something being out of place/out of alignment and needs to be “manipulated back in”...

No matter what you have been told in the past there is zero evidence to show that low back pain is caused by something in the back being “out of place” or “out of alignment”. This also applies to discs “slipping” out of place, sure there can be disc bulges present on scans which can be shown to shrink and resolve over time. Furthermore, as things don’t actually slip out of place or get put out of alignment there is no evidence at all to demonstrate spinal manipulations or similar techniques can actually put anything back into place (15). This is not to say it will not feel as if something is out of place or alignment. Or that you cannot get relief from some of these techniques but it is important to know from a long term point of view that a structure isn’t out of place.

I have been told I should never lift more than 10kg…

Unfortunately what this leads to is diminished capacity long term. Once the back issue settles it means that it will no longer be as strong and is often guarded and protected particularly with lifting. This leads to diminished capacity, so that in the future it is in fact less strong and resilient and therefore more likely to become reaggravated. We take the approach of rebuilding capacity and the greater we extend that capacity the more robust things become and the less likely things are to go wrong.

Take Home Messages

  • Stay as mobile and active as possible in the presence of back pain and gradually build things up.

  • Scans can be helpful but are not always necessary and it is not unusual for changes to be present.

  • The amount of pain does not equal the amount of damage.

  • Arthritis being present does not mean that pain will always be present.

  • It is not necessary to have ongoing manipulations to keep things in alignment.

  • It is important rebuild capacity to reduce the likelihood of recurrence and ongoing issues.



  2. Balagu, F. et al., 2012. Non-specific low back pain. The Lancet, 379(9814), pp.482–491.

  3. Wynne-Jones, G. et al., 2014. Absence from work and return to work in people with back pain: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Occupational and environmental medicine, 71(6), pp.448–56.

  4. Searle et al (2015) Exercise interventions for the treatment of chronic low back pain: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials; Clinical Rehabilitation 2015, Vol. 29(12) 1155 –1167.

  5. Steele et al (2015) A Review of the Clinical Value of Isolated Lumbar Extension Resistance Training for Chronic Low Back Pain; American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Volume 7, Issue 2, Pages 169–187.

  6. Bjorn et al (2015) Individualized Low-Load Motor Control Exercises and Education Versus a High-Load Lifting Exercise and Education to Improve Activity, Pain Intensity, and Physical Performance in Patients With Low Back Pain: A Randomized Controlled Trial; Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy, Volume:45 Issue:2 Pages:77-85.

  7. Pieber et al (2014) Long-term effects of an outpatient rehabilitation program in patients with chronic recurrent low back pain; Eur Spine J 23:779–785.

  8. Vincent et al (2014) Resistance Exercise, Disability, and Pain Catastrophizing in Obese Adults with Back Pain; Med Sci Sports Exerc. 46(9): 1693–170.

  9. Smith et al (2014) An update of stabilisation exercises for low back pain: a systematic review with meta-analysis. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders 15:416 DOI: 10.1186/1471-2474-15-416.

  10. Videman et al, (2003) Associations Between Back Pain History and Lumbar MRI Findings

  11. Endcan et al, (2011) Potential of MRI findings to refine case definition for mechanical low back pain in epidemiological studies: a systematic review.

  12. Brinjikji et al, (2015) MRI Findings of Disc Degeneration are More Prevalent in Adults with Low Back Pain than in Asymptomatic Controls: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

  13. Teraguchi et al, (2013) Prevalence and distribution of intervertebral disc degeneration over the entire spine in a population-based cohort: the Wakayama Spine Study.

  14. Cheung et al, (2009) Prevalence and Pattern of Lumbar Magnetic Resonance Imaging Changes in a Population Study of One Thousand Forty-Three Individuals.


Returning to sport after ACL surgery - When are you ready?

What is guiding your return to sport after your Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) surgery?


What makes you confident in your decision to return to sport?

We too often see clients who have no clear pathway to return to sport. Here is a brief snapshot of what we assess to make sure we are helping our clients decrease their risk of re-injury when returning to sport:

  1. >90% on lower limb strength testing comparative to uninjured side

  2. >90% on hop testing comparative to uninjured side (single leg hop, single leg triple hop, single leg crossover hop, timed 6m hop, lateral hop)

  3. >9 months post surgery

  4. Implementation of an ongoing prevention program

  5. Confidence to return to sport as assessed through questionnaires

We know that returning to cutting sports like AFL, soccer, rugby, netball after an ACL surgery means around a 4 times greater risk of re-injury. Making sure you meet these criteria before return to sport has been shown to reduce injury rates by up to 84%.

What guiding your decision to return to sport after ACL reconstruction? We’d love to know!

Exercise for Low Back and Neck Pain


Exercise is Medicine - Low Back and Neck Pain

Exercise is not only the key to a healthy life but also leads to a comfortable life. The old saying “move it or lose it” was correct! We have previously discussed the importance of movement for general health and well being purposes HERE.

Move it, or lose it

Today we will talk about the benefits of movement for reducing the incidence of neck and back pain, which, unfortunately is becoming far too common in society today.

In 2014-15, 1 in 6 Australians reported back and neck problems which equates to approximately 3.7 million people.

1 in 6 Australians Reported back and neck problems in 2014-15.

The AIHW reports that neck and back troubles were the 3rd leading cause of disease burden in Australia in 2011 (1).


What does the research say?

As these levels are very high, there is a growing field of research to identify what we can do to prevent these issues. The recurrent stand out is exercise! Exercise has time and time again shown to be medicine for a variety of conditions (2-3).

Exercise programs have been shown to substantially reduce the risk of a new episode of neck pain (4) and the same just happens to be true for low back pain. Evidence suggests that exercise as a stand alone intervention or in combination with education is effective in the prevention of low back pain (5).

The Cherry on top

To really add the cherry on top, if this is combined with some strengthening exercise, then the risk of not only neck and back issues but all sports injuries is reduced to less than one third and the rate of overuse injuries is halved (6).

What does this mean?

Exercise is one of the best things that can be done to not only live a healthy life but also to feel good whilst doing so. All of the research suggests that it doesn’t necessarily matter what you are doing as long as you are moving. So don’t over analyse things just do what you enjoy!


In case you’re wondering how much?

  • It is advised that for adults aged 18-64 years, 150-300 minutes of moderate intensity physical activity or 75-150 minutes of vigorous physical activity, or an equivalent combination of both, per week is recommended.

  • Strengthening activities should be performed at least twice per week.

  • For adults 65+ at least 30 mins of moderate intensity exercise is advised daily(3).

Take Home Message

  • Exercise is meant to be a long term drug, consistently taking it over time leads to the greatest benefits.

  • Do what you enjoy and do it often.

  • Add some variety and gradually progress.

  • If you fall off the bandwagon don’t stress, life happens, just get back on.





  4. de Campos, T. F., Maher, C., Steffens, D., Fuller, J., & Hancock, M. (2018). Exercise programs may be effective in preventing a new episode of neck pain: a systematic review. Journal of Physiotherapy, 64(3), 159-165. DOI: 10.1016/j.jphys.2018.05.003-

  5. Steffens D, Maher CG, Pereira LSM, et al. Prevention of Low Back PainA Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. JAMA Intern Med. 2016;176(2):199–208. doi:10.1001/jamainternmed.2015.7431-

  6. Lauersen JB, Bertelsen DM, Andersen LB. The effectiveness of exercise interventions to prevent sports injuries: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials Br J Sports Med Published Online First: 07 October 2013. doi: 10.1136/bjsports-2013-092538-

AC Joint Injury in BJJ

We know the feeling. You’ve been training solidly, competing well and things feel like they’re coming together (finally!).

Until that moment amongst a heated roll, that you lose your base and land smack-bang on the point of your shoulder.

You have an immediate reflexive wince of pain. You feel like someone stuck a knife into the point of your shoulder and your arm ain’t moving very far away from your body.

It definitely doesn’t like you moving the arm across the body and it may even look like a little speed hump at the end of your shoulder.

Welcome to the acromioclavicular joint, the notorious AC joint in contact sports like BJJ. This is the joint that lies between the end of your collarbone and shoulder blade and acts as a strut to stabilise the shoulder/arm complex.


These AC joint injuries are classified into 6 different types according to the commonly used Rockwood Classification:



Management of AC joint injuries follows the general principles of all ligament injuries and will be dependant on the grade (type) and the end goals of the individual.

As a general rule, surgical intervention may be indicated for type 4, 5 and 6 AC joint injuries and type 3 injuries that do not respond to non-surgical management.

Low grade AC Joint injury - what now?

Like all injuries, the rehabilitation and exercise or loading exposure will vary from person-to-person. As a general guide, initial management begins immediately and aims to minimise bleeding and swelling and treatment aims to:

  • promote tissue healing

  • prevent stiffness

  • protect from further damage

  • strengthen shoulder musculature to provide dynamic stability.

Isometric strengthening exercises can be started as soon as pain allows and usually begin close to the body with a progression plan to move away from the body as the body undergoes it’s natural healing response to injury.

When can i return to sport? When can I roll again?

We usually look for no AC joint tenderness and full pain-free movement as a starting point for starting the conversation about returning to sport.

We like to see the completion of a full rehabilitation program that focuses on restoring full function and strength of the entire shoulder complex, as well as a graded return to rolling that may involve light drilling and flow rolls initially, with an increase in exposure as the shoulder adapts to the additional stress loads of training.

Full return to training will be individual-specific and criteria driven.

Keep Rolling!